Friday, November 1, 2013

6 Ways to Master Your Metabolism

 1. Remove Toxins:
Cleaners wreak havoc on our system, chemicals over stimulate and mimic hormones.

 2.  Essential Fats:

When we have essential fatty acids, our bodies can get rid of stored fat – Proven to reduce body fat and increase lean muscle mass. EFAs will increase your energy production, boost your metabolism and improve the rate at which the body burns fat. Consumption of essential fatty acids and other good fats such as unsaturated fatty acids also aids in the oxygenation of cells and body tissues, which improves your endurance and the time it takes for tired muscles to recover from exercise.  EFA's are great for heart, cholesterol, immune & reproductive systems, skin conditions such as eczema/psoriasis.

3.  Take a Probiotic:

80% of your immune system is in your digestive track. Things that weaken our immune system are caffeine, sugar, antibiotics, and carbonated drinks.

4. Take a Fiber Supplement:
We need 25-35 grams of fiber per day to remove cholesterol, toxins and fat from our system. If there isn’t enough fiber present or not enough of the right kinds of fiber, the cholesterol, fat and toxins re-enter the blood and are re-circulated and form a dangerous sludge. This thick, junk-filled bile goes back through our system and causes oxidation and free radical generation. It’s like taking multiple baths in the same water. 

5.  Stay Hydrated:
Hydration speeds metabolism = weight loss. Our sports drink has vitamins & electrolytes for optimum hydration.

6.  Eat Every 2-3 Hours:
If we do not eat every 2-3 hrs our body thinks we are starving = fat storage.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Effective Strategies for Building Trust

This past weekend, I had the pleasure of attending a Toastmasters Conference in Cary, NC.  If you don't know what Toastmasters is, it is an international volunteer organization that teaches public speaking, communication and leadership skills.  If you aren't near a club, start one of your own!

One of the courses taught at the conference was taught by Sandy Costa, Esq., author of Humanity at Work: Encouraging Spirit, Achievement & Truth to Flourish in the Workplace.  His course was called Effective Strategies for Building Trust (in a world where it's fast disappearing).  Here are some notes I made from his course:
  • You can't lead other people until you lead yourself.
  • Trust is the New Imperative - this means that the relationship is in a safe place.
  • Be honest with yourself enough to ask "How am I doing?" and have mercy on yourself - Treat yourself as deserving.
4 Strategies:
  1. Recognize that people are complex.  We do not make decisions on a rational or logical plane - most of our decisions are emotional.  At any given moment, WE decided how we act, feel.  Research has shown that people who live a long time already have the expectation of doing so (Law of Attraction)  Take the time to get to know people and don't make them angry!
  2. Attributes of Trusted Leaders: Leaders that instill trust are humble (they practice humility), respectful of others (learn names, look people in the eyes), compassionate, servant leaders (as we move up in an organization, we have more responsibility to help others move up), candid (authenticity), competent, and self-aware ("A leader's most compelling leadership tool is who he/she is."
  3. Leaders embrace the Great Mysterious - CHANGE!  Don't tell people HOW you will change - tell them WHY!  Trusted leaders don't surrender to the status quo.  Don't ever postpone anything that will bring you JOY!
  4. Trusted Leaders CHOOSE Faith Over Fear.  "Faith is radical trust"  "The Opposite of Faith is Certainty."  Recognize the difference in Spiritual Faith and the Faith we have in each other.  Faith spawns hope.
Remember this as you are building your relationships: Nothing ever created by man is ever priceless.  We are all unique creatures! 

Some other good reads:
Your Employees Have Quit: They Just Haven't Left
Emotional Intelligence

Thursday, October 17, 2013

A Few of My Tips for Healthy Weight Management

"I think it's called a scale, but Mom calls it a @#$&% liar!"

There is a lot of hype and big business in the "Weight Loss" industry.  A magic pill or a shake that's going to melt all those unwanted pounds away... some without even having to lift a finger for exercise!  Companies even pay big celebrities to endorse their products to suggest that if he or she uses it, it must be good enough for you too.  Companies spend millions of dollars in television and print advertising to sell you what they want you to buy in a way that is relative to you, the consumer.  What they don't want you to know is that you have the power to manage your weight without depending on any of their products.  I'll show you how.

CHECK YOUR VOCABULARY:  If you noticed, I didn't call this blog "A Few Tips for Weight Loss"... I did that on purpose.  When people lose something, they usually search and search until they find it again or replace it with something else - in our case, more weight than when they started.  That's part of why most "diet and weight loss" programs don't work - even when we've worked so hard to "lose the weight" and reached our weight loss goal, we somehow find it again.  There is a principle of the Law of Attraction that says "That which you resist, persists."  You might win the battle, but you'll lose the war.  If you want to be a certain weight, stop using terms like "fighting fat," "shedding weight," "dieting," and "losing unwanted pounds"... get those words out of your vocabulary!   Instead, start using words like "encouraging a healthy weight by living a sustainable healthy lifestyle" which promotes what it is you are trying to achieve instead of fighting what you don't want.  Even if the desired result is all the same to you, the attitude and the terminology you use to get there is still important.  You would be surprised how much positive reinforcement will help you reach your goals! 

ALWAYS HAVE ACCOUNTABILITY:  There are many ways people hold themselves and others accountable for their lifestyle.  Have at least 1 or 2 people you can talk to about your goals and check in with them on a weekly basis.  Sometimes just knowing that you are scheduled to report your behaviors with someone is enough to get people going.  If you need extra help, I would recommend getting a Wellness Coach (notice I didn't call it a Weight Loss Coach) who will check in with you.  My personal recommendation is Kerry McCarville with Amazingly Well! because she helped me get on the right track with my weight management and health goals!  Another idea is to keep a written food journal so you don't lose track of how much food you've eaten over any given period of time.  You would be surprised how many details about our daily lives we forget! 

GET OUT AND MOVE... AND LOVE IT!:  It's no secret that exercise helps us manage our weight, but I would never advise anyone with one end-all-be-all exercise or activity to help them manage their weight.  Not everyone enjoys doing the same types of exercises.  Whatever activity you choose to do, you should love doing it... whether it's walking, running, swimming, biking, yoga, aerobics classes, Zumba, or dancing in a night club.  If you want to manage your weight for a long period of time, find an activity that is sustainable and at least makes you break a sweat.  You don't have to be particularly good at it, just be sure you are having fun because you will more than likely do it again and again and again!

These are just a few tips I have to share from my weight management experiences.  When you are ready to learn more specific tips relative to something you may already be doing, you know where to find me!