Friday, November 1, 2013

6 Ways to Master Your Metabolism

 1. Remove Toxins:
Cleaners wreak havoc on our system, chemicals over stimulate and mimic hormones.

 2.  Essential Fats:

When we have essential fatty acids, our bodies can get rid of stored fat – Proven to reduce body fat and increase lean muscle mass. EFAs will increase your energy production, boost your metabolism and improve the rate at which the body burns fat. Consumption of essential fatty acids and other good fats such as unsaturated fatty acids also aids in the oxygenation of cells and body tissues, which improves your endurance and the time it takes for tired muscles to recover from exercise.  EFA's are great for heart, cholesterol, immune & reproductive systems, skin conditions such as eczema/psoriasis.

3.  Take a Probiotic:

80% of your immune system is in your digestive track. Things that weaken our immune system are caffeine, sugar, antibiotics, and carbonated drinks.

4. Take a Fiber Supplement:
We need 25-35 grams of fiber per day to remove cholesterol, toxins and fat from our system. If there isn’t enough fiber present or not enough of the right kinds of fiber, the cholesterol, fat and toxins re-enter the blood and are re-circulated and form a dangerous sludge. This thick, junk-filled bile goes back through our system and causes oxidation and free radical generation. It’s like taking multiple baths in the same water. 

5.  Stay Hydrated:
Hydration speeds metabolism = weight loss. Our sports drink has vitamins & electrolytes for optimum hydration.

6.  Eat Every 2-3 Hours:
If we do not eat every 2-3 hrs our body thinks we are starving = fat storage.